Wednesday Evenings

God is calling us back to the table! Join us Wednesday evenings for Dinner Church—a community meal and brief worship service. Followed by Faith Formation opportunities for all ages.

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Sunday Services

Worship at 9 & 11 am at Trinity
The Sunday morning schedule includes traditional worship at 9 a.m. and contemporary worship at 11 a.m. at Trinity. Learning hour is between services at 10 a.m.

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Watch online worship

Sundays at 9 and 11 a.m. or watch anytime
Out of town? Can’t make it to church? Both Trinity worship services are livestream to Facebook and available to watch online here on our website.

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Sunday Faith Forum

10 a.m. in the River Room
Join us between services at the forum. Sunday Faith Forum provides a wide variety of small group learning—a place to wonder, learn, share and grow in faith.

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Stewardship Pledge Drive 2025

Please add your financial support to Trinity’s ministries by giving to the general fund to meet our budget obligations for the fiscal year. Every pledge of any amount enables God’s work in the world.

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Annual Meeting

Sunday, Nov. 17 at 11 a.m.
Join us immediately following worship (only one worship service at 10 a.m.) in the Worship Center for the annual meeting of our congregation.

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Rebranding River Room

Rebranding River Room

Rebranding and Rebuilding and Recording in the River Room

Even before the pandemic raised the attention of technological opportunities for the church, I had been asked so many times by folks: “Pastor Peter, is this session being recorded?”

This had definitely been a request for our Sunday Faith Forum speakers that have blessed us over the years, but also for so many other all-in congregational events and annual meetings and important community conversations—all convened in the multipurpose shared community space at the bottom of the stairs next to Trinity’s Gym. So many amazing milestones and sacred moments in the Garden Room (now the River Room).

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Imago Dei People

Imago Dei People

It is possible that we are an imago dei people?!

Jesus was good at many things but perhaps the most astonishing thing he did during his ministry was to see, acknowledge, affirm, heal, and welcome all who had been rejected by the religious leaders, by the community, by cultural norms. Rejected because of their heritage, gender, physical characteristics or infirmities, religion, birthplace, and more.

Jesus saw each one as someone worth seeing. He touched them with healing. He lifted them from their pallet or the dirt where they begged. He fed them. He asked them what they wanted. He complimented their persistence and their faithfulness. He saw them with compassion and love.

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