Radical Hospitality is a core value at Trinity. Because God first loved us we practice hospitality by being a Reconciling in Christ congregation, engaging an active volunteer core providing ushering and newcomer welcome, and being a place where everyone is welcome! Volunteers needed at all Sunday services. Fun, easy service activity for individuals and families.
Download the instruction documents below for details (look for these in your DOWNLOADS folder).
Greeter Instructions>>
Usher Instructions>>
Coffee Crew & Treats>>
At the usher station in the Narthex, there are lanyards with the words USHER and GREETER on them, with simple instructions on the bulletin board right above it. If you wish to greet or usher on any given Sunday, arrive 20 minutes before the service begins (service times are 9 and 11 a.m.) find and wear the corresponding name tag, and follow the instructions. Once the lanyards are gone, this is the signal that the jobs have been filled. Return the lanyards to the station after you have completed your greeting or ushering duties. Usher and greeter coaches will be on hand to help guide you, look for Eric Trosdahl, Sharon Longnecker or Jana Collyard.
Participate in worship by assisting with communion serving, set-up, or clean-up. Serving is an honor and we are always looking for new assistants. Instructions are provided, or an experienced volunteer can guide you with set-up or clean-up the first couple of times you volunteer. Please go to Communion Server Signup, review the available slots and sign up. Questions or need assistance? Contact Kay Nelson.
Coffee and cookies are served between Sunday worship services from 10 to 11 a.m. Please sign up to serve, clean up or provide treats.