Email Zanny Johnson

What is your position at church? How would you describe what you do to a friend? My title at Trinity is Connections Coordinator, which means I have a lot of fingers in a lot of pies. I make and strengthen connections between individuals, ministries at Trinity, and God.

What is the best part about your job? Your favorite task/responsibility? My favorite part about my job is the variety and depth of the work—I love to work with the many people, groups and teams AND go deep—helping to nurture and help sustain folks’ relationships with God and each other. That happens in most specifically, in group spiritual direction, which is my favorite responsibility!

What is your current favorite bible story or verse and why? Be still and know that I am God.—Psalm 46:10. It’s my go-to verse when I am feeling anxious or off center—it calms and reassures me of my belovedness.

What is your current favorite name for God and why? God of love. Sums it all up for me.

How would you describe your faith journey in 5 words? Identifying and reveling in my belovedness.

Where would you like to travel in the world if money and time off were no object? A luxury cruise in the Mediterranean—with extended stays in the south of France, Spain, Italy, Turkey and Greece.

What is your favorite novel/series/genre of literature? Historical non-fiction

A random fun fact about yourself. I LOVE jumbo sunflower seeds—I think I am part squirrel.

To contact Zanny Johnson, Connections Coordinator, please call 651-439-7400, ext. 341