Siblings in Christ, 

I got up this morning for my walk and encountered sun, blue skies, no wind for the first time in too long. We saw cedar waxwings, a hawk trying to move an osprey away from her nest, a cardinal nearly glowing in the sunrise at the very top of a tree along the path. It was a marvelous reminder of risen life all around.

It was life-giving to see so many folks back in the house for Holy Week and Easter and to celebrate all that it is to be community as the risen body of Christ. We look forward to continuing to ease our way back into our new normal, carrying with us the grief, blessings, and all we have learned over the past two years. Always new and renewing in Christ.

Life at Trinity continues apace this spring. This column is a bit of a mishmash of important goodness.

On May 1, Carol Carver’s last Sunday in front of the choir and she will “pass the baton” to our new Director of Worship and Music, Clark Weyrauch. We give thanks that she will stay at the organ bench and on the team for the foreseeable future. Some of you have inquired about a larger celebration. Carol has asked that we wait for the big bash until she officially retires someday. In the meantime, cards and gifts are certainly welcome! And be sure to check out the display cabinet on the east end of the Narthex for some fun memories.

On May 8, we will have a sabbatical sending for yours truly. My sabbatical begins May 9 for nine weeks. (I took the tenth week in March to accommodate our daughter’s schedule.) During sabbatical I will not be available for pastoral acts and will not be checking email or voice mail. Pastor Peter will ably lead worship, preach, and helm the staff and we have engaged a few others to offer him some preaching and pastoral care support. I covet your prayers for a time of deep rest and refreshment. I will be back in the office on July 11. (See the next page for an invitation to experiment with a sabbatical time of your own. If you have questions about the practice, both Pastor Peter and Zanny Johnson are here to help. Upon my return, we will have a time of celebration and sharing what we discovered.)

On May 22, we will celebrate our high school seniors. Your presence in worship will help us give thanks and bless them into their sacred futures. 

The feasibility study for a possible capital campaign will be underway throughout the month of May. Our consultant, Steve Olson, will be doing one-on-one interviews to assess our readiness and capacity. Results will be shared with the council in mid-July and then with the full community. If you wish to sign up for a one-on-one, please contact Linda Flood in the church office by calling 651-439-7400.

The Drive-in re-opens on May 29! What a joy to worship again in a place that was truly our sanctuary during some difficult times and to let the music—and horns—ring across the Valley.

Beloveds, while I am away you will never be far from my heart. I will hold you in love and prayer and look forward to coming back refreshed and renewed. Thank you for the gift of this sabbatical. Risen and renewed in Christ,

Pastor Chris

May 1 – Celebrating Carol Carver
May 8 – Sabbatical Sending for Pastor Chris
May 22 – Celebrating High School Seniors
May 29 – Drive-in Opens for Worship
July 17 – Welcome Back Pastor Chris