Summer Camps

Faith is formed at bible camp! Trinity partners with Wapogasset Lutheran Bible Camp in Amery, WI. Explore the theme of BREATHE at Camp Wapo this summer!

Priority registration for Camp Wapo Summer 2025 is now open! Please note our typical Trinity dates have changed to accommodate the Stillwater School District’s earlier start dates next fall.

  • Weeklong camp for completed grades 4-12 is the week of June 22-27
  • Seeds weekend camp for completed grades 1-3 is the weekend of June 20-22

You will notice that camp prices have increased this year. Please see the note about scholarship below. We want every child to have the opportunity to attend camp without financial barriers.

Scholarships are available!
Bible camp participation and faith formation are proven to go hand-in-hand.  Many Trinity people support this value through their financial gifts to our scholarship fund. We want every child to experience Bible Camp and we encourage you to access scholarship assistance if that will help make it happen for your child. Download the scholarship request form below.

Scholarship request form>