Early Childhood

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Worshipping as a family is central to cultivating faith that sticks for a lifetime. Mornings tend to be a better time of day for little ones, which is why we encourage families with children ages birth to three to focus on the foundations of worshipping together on Sunday mornings. And, as a faith community, Trinity strives to help make it as friendly and as accessible as possible!

Calm Lounge  located in the Chapel adjacent to the Worship Center (far right when siting in a pew), the Calm Lounge is available for children, accompanied by a caregiver, who are in need of a diaper change, a feeding, or a friendly space to work through a big feeling. Worship is livestream so caregivers aren’t cutoff from worship. 

Grace Spaces – inclusive spots around our Worship Center and Narthex for children (and anyone else!) to play, color, and be included in worship comfortably.

Worship Bags – located near all four Grace Spaces, these bags are geared toward different ages (look at the tags) and include books, activities, crafts, and fidgets to keep little hands busy. Thanks for your help in keeping items and spaces tidy for all who use them and extending welcome to our youngest worshippers!

Sunday Open Gym –The Gym is open for families in between worship services on Sundays at 10 a.m. Playing is a great way to connect with other children! Supervision of children is provided for parents wishing to attend Faith Forum.

A Bible in Every Home!
We encourage parents to begin reading Bible Stories to their children on day one and every day thereafter. There are wonderfully written and illustrated Children’s Story Bibles that help set the stage for important faith conversations. If you need one, please contact Sarah Olson.