Mental Health

Trinity Lutheran Church is pleased to partner with NAMI MN (National Alliance on Mental Illness) of Minnesota to provide resources and events at our facility. NAMI is a non-profit organization dedicated to improving the lives of children and adults with mental illnesses and their families. For over 40 years, NAMI Minnesota has worked to promote the development of community mental health programs and services, change public attitudes about mental illnesses, improve access to services and increase opportunities for recovery.
The message puts to rest the notions that mental illness is an indicator of special sin in the family or the person suffering from it. It emphasizes the church’s role in encouraging companionship and healing, via restoration of relationships — heeding Galatians 6:2. What people with mental illness most need is time to pursue and engage in treatment, and to maintain or create relationships where they can exercise their abilities. Throughout the many forms of ministry the church provides, the church is called to confront practices that do not uphold human dignity and to offer hope and companionship, and attend to its own practices around health, its public voice, and the sensitive and thoughtful preparation of church leaders.
The paragraph above is an excerpt from the ELCA’s Social Message on Mental Illness. Follow the link below to read more and download the full social message and study guide.
In association with Youth Service Bureau, Trinity Lutheran Church provides the above video recording of a session for parents and kids called “Technology and Student Well-Being” in May 2021. This presentation explores the demands of technology in our everyday lives, especially in the lives of kids. A great investment of 60 minutes for all parents, kids, caregivers, church staff, and volunteer leaders.
Suicide Prevention Presentation
In January 2019 we had a special gathering for youth and families to look at issues of mental health and suicide prevention. Rebekah Windschitl, a youth and family therapist from our local Youth Service Bureau, led the presentation. We are pleased to have the session up on YouTube for you to watch at your convenience. Please follow the link above. Below is the handout from the presentation if you’re interested in continuing the conversation at home or test your new knowledge after watching the video.