Calling us back to the table

Calling us back to the table

I love food. All of it. The growing, harvesting, chopping and creating, as well as the umami of enjoying all of it with others. Right now, I am reveling in the simple miracle of slicing a ripe heirloom tomato. Contemplating the color and vitality of a tomato like a...
Calling us back to the table

A Theme for Such a Time as This

A Theme for Such a Time as This: David Brooks’ “How to Know a Person” and a Call to the Deep Well of Repair Each year during summer—as we spend time praying and planning and playing and dreaming and vacationing and having good conversations—we wonder as a staff and...
Calling us back to the table

Sabbath, Stillness, Stability and Mustard Seeds

I’ve been feeling pretty nostalgic lately. It might be a mix of turning ten years old both in ministry and of being a parent. I know, I know, just getting started. But still. Perhaps it’s also giving thanks for a season of ministry that is noticeably less pivoting and...
Calling us back to the table

End of Life Options for the Risen Jesus

Christ is risen, dear Trinity! Christ is risen indeed. Alleluia! Honestly, it never gets old. I hope this is my first and last line each and every day, as well as my very last in some shape or prayer-form or sigh. Perhaps unbeknownst to us, it is for everyone. It says...
Calling us back to the table

The Fullness of Christ’s Resurrection

Christ is Risen! Christ is Risen, Indeed! Alleluia! Moving through these last fleeting days of Lent 2024, I am thanking God for a sense of fullness in Christ seeping through the wideness of Trinity. There is no question that we continue to lean into our values—a...
Calling us back to the table

Lent as the Lengthening of Love

Lent is shorthand for the “lengthening” in Middle English, pointing to longer days as springtime arrives. While this winter has been a head scratcher, I am definitely looking forward to longer days and more sunshine. Bring on the light! In the Body of Christ, Lent...